On a bonny August afternoon, I was born directly into my father's hands in the house he built on Martha's Vineyard.
Amelia of Selkskin
On a bonny August afternoon in '83, I was born directly into my father's hands in the house he built on Martha's Vineyard; an island off the coast of Massachusetts. I grew up with working-class parents who struggled financially and were rich in community on an island of privilege. Art, dance, and music compelled my life, and I was drawn into an Indonesian adventure to study Balinese dance the winter after graduating from high school.
In Bali, I met a woman who opened my eyes to the difference between working-class America and poverty in the developing world. From her perspective, I was incredibly rich and advantaged, which stunned me. Here I was, halfway around the world studying dance and music, compared to her children who would most likely never leave their homes. I had epitomized the fancy mansions and summer weddings on the Vineyard as wealth, but she helped me to realize how privileged I am just to have a United States passport.
After Bali, I attended Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado; a Buddhist-inspired Liberal Arts College. I received my B.A. in Religious/Peace Studies with a minor in Psychology. While the scenery had changed from the Vineyard's vast oceans to the majestic Rocky Mountains, I could see that the diversity of ethnicity, race, or economic background had not changed: I was still among a very privileged population.
At Naropa, my Buddhist teacher asked, If you don't have a healthy ego, how can you deconstruct it? This deeply resonated with me. If you don't know yourself, how will you be able to move through the things that hold you back? In my life, there will be challenges and there will be loss. I realized then that I want to cultivate the ability to approach difficulties with compassion and gentleness.
At this point, I became dedicated to creativity, focus, clarity, and personal growth through meditation, prayer, playfulness, and yoga. I learned about my Scottish and black Irish heritage. I love and respect my ancestry. I created a community that still sustains me to this day. I have the best and most valuable friends and tribe that will be in my life forever. I discovered engaged social action and social justice, which helped me to heal and convinced me to commit to speaking my truth and to being of service.
I learned to live, knowing I am of value when I am aligned with my highest moral code. Prior to Naropa, I hadn't realized how much I perpetuated the belief that I was not worth great things in this life. I was not aware of how much this defined and limited me. I believe in shedding what is no longer serving us and learning to walk with pride. I welcome those who want to walk with me!
I am also the co-host of the Wine, Women, and Wealth (WWW) & Financial Education, But 1st Chocolate events in Evergreen and the City of Golden.
I am the founder and owner of Basil Co a Division of Five Rings Financial. As a Financial Consultant I help clients build stability through financial education events that pay it forward, prosperity mindset work, Tax Free Income, 401(k) Rollovers, Living Benefits, Private Pensions, and 1:1 consultations so that you can learn and integrate best practices for saving and protecting money, feel empowered with financial literacy, and get back to what you love, faster.
Financial, Living Benefits, and Life Insurance credentials:
I am Licensed as a Life/Financial Producer via the Colorado Secretary of State.
Welcome! WWW is a community of women supporting each other in business and in their relationship with money. Amazing things happen when women get together in community. And empowered, educated women make great decisions with their money!
Relax, enjoy a glass of wine and light appetizers, meet other amazing women, and learn about money! It's FREE, now that's smart money.
One of my passions is being a jeweler. I also make malas and more. Check out the Selkskin Mala & Jewelry shop now to learn more! I sell my jewelry and see nutrition clients at One Tree Wellness with Dr. Jamie Lewallen in Evergreen, CO, and at Clear Creek Wellness Co. (CCW) in Idaho Springs, Colorado.
My studies have shaped my work. My practice is based on many books. Not the least is Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford. Reading the Body: Ohashi's Book of Oriental Diagnosis by Tom Monte (Author) and Wataru Ohashi (Author). And Five Elements, Six Conditions, A Taoist Approach to Emotional Healing, Psychology, and Internal Alchemy. These books are a window into how I run my health clinic.
“…My goal is to be an integral representation of the medicine… my intention, my words, and my actions are one thing. Aligned.” ~ LONNY JARRETT, OMD, 1 year ago, The Conscious Healing Symposium, Saturday, April 27th, 2019, Current, Pier 59, New York, NY, The Integral Practitioner.
I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist (HN) through the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA). I originally went to Naropa to become a licensed dance therapist and somatic psychologist. I hope to incorporate the intelligence of the body with nutritional therapy. I hope to be able to help my clients the way healers/therapists/counselors/guides have helped me.
I think perhaps the most important role of an HN is to believe in your client and to support their ability to affect positive change in themselves. HNs can offer contradictions to negative feelings such as body image and self-worth challenges, the harmful effects of a poor diet, and the hopelessness that we will ever feel better. Ultimately, both the HN and the client are collaborators in the healing process. How could I ask another person to address their own imbalances or impediments if I am not doing so myself? (Just as my Buddhist teachers asked of me). I have a strong martial arts/yoga/meditation practice to this day and it supports me in my energetic hygiene routine. I move closer to myself every day, regardless of if it's easy or I feel like it.
I am also a Young Living (YL) & dōTERRA essential oils Wellness Advocate. dōTERRA is pronounced [doh-teh-ruh] and the origin of this name is a Latin derivative meaning "Gift of the Earth.”
Want to learn more about my approach? Watch the videos below and read on.
“doTERRA was built on the mission of sharing highest quality essential oils with the world…We work with committed partners to ensure the best-growing conditions and produce the purest, highest-quality essential oils. We use Co-Impact Sourcing. This is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships; create sustainable jobs; and provide reliable income in underdeveloped areas. We use plants grown in their natural habitat so that they will be the most healthy and potent. For example, if you want to reduce your toxic load using gifts of the earth like Wild Orange, you need truly pure essential oils to do the job. We care about sourcing the best essential oils, while also helping the most.”
I use Young Living (YL) & dōTERRA essential oils in my NHMTR bodywork. They greatly enhance the calming of the nervous system, healing, detoxing, and assimilation of food/nutrients.
I can have pure, high-quality essential oils shipped right to your door. Also, please contact me if you’d like to be a part of my YL and/or dōTERRA essential oils team and to become a Wellness Advocate.
I currently live in Evergreen, Colorado with the best family and community a woman could ask for. I am a mountain biker. I also love paddle boarding, boating, downhill/cross-country skiing, golfing, martial arts, swimming, hiking, tai chi, Yin Yoga, traveling, vegetable juicing, preparing delicious meals, dancing, crocheting, time with family, singing, and making music. Right now I am committed to living a life that supports my vitality. This allows me to serve to the best of my ability. If you’d like support with your own health journey contact me at 720-722-0094!
With Warmth,
““I learned so much about digestion and nutrient absorption at Amelia’s nutrition workshop and how to make perfect veggies even more perfect. I really enjoyed the discussion, Amelia has a real excitement for nutritious food. I hope she is able to conduct more workshops here on the Vineyard in the future!””
I have been practicing Chinese Medicine for 20 years.
I have helped thousands of families and clients over the years.
For each person to reach optimal health, holistic nutriton supports:
Deactivating pain patterns within the body by releasing endorphins which are a natural painkiller.
Increased blood circulation.
Improved lymphatic function which improves the body’s ability to detox.
Promotes rebuilding of healthier neurological and soft tissue patterns.
Increased ability to efficiently process environmental pathogens and stressors.
Increased structural alignment and strength of the entire body.
Increased self-awareness in understanding root causes of disease.
Improved organ function.
Improved absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins.
Increased mental clarity.
Improved emotional and hormonal balance.
Improved sleep.