What is NHMTR?
Neuro Hydro Molecular Tissue Repair
is a unique form of bodywork that effectively activates the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
The technique is very gentle and restorative. It is similar to acupressure and yet there are no needles involved!
PC: Parker Chiropractic Resource Foundation
The nervous system innervates all of the bodies tissue and is the center of communication. Through chronic inflammation, excess toxins build in the tissue impinging and compressing nerves potentially causing pain, fatigue, immobility and many other degenerative issues. NHMTR therapists chisel away at this petrified stress in the body assisting to reset the nervous system and promote healthier circulation of blood, lymph, and energy.
PC: Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash
Hydro stands for hydration of the tissues, an essential element to healthy cellular functions. What does every healthy cellular function require? OXYGEN and WATER! The interstitial fluids of the body are where exchange of nutrients and waste occur at the cellular level. When congestion builds in the body due to stress and unhealthy chronic lifestyle choices, this environment becomes extremely toxic and the processes of nutrient and waste exchange between cells become sluggish. NHMTR targets optimal hydration of tissues with increased blood, lymph, and energy flow. Therapists also teach clients how to deep belly breath which directly trains the brain and body to respond calmly to stressful triggers. Education on how to implement healthier lifestyle changes that proactively assist hydrating the entire system with oxygen and water becomes key components to healing the body at a root level.
A molecule is the smallest possible unit of a chemical. Every experience, from emotions to daily activities, our metabolic functions are chemical realities in the blood. For example, the emotion fear, is a chemical reality in the blood! In a modern culture that promotes excess production of stress chemicals due to processed denatured foods, stimulants, depressants, extra “screen” time on computers, phones, and television; the average person’s nervous system is hyperactive and the system is overloaded on a molecular level.
NHMTR bodyworkers are focused on detailed cleaning of the body on a molecular level. By removing excess stress chemicals and hormones that build in the tissue, they are creating healthier space for optimal functions of the entire body.
The human body is made up of four distinct tissues. Muscle, epithelial, connective, and nervous tissue. These tissues are interconnected making up our entire body. NHMTR specializes in detailed cleaning of these tissues while simultaneously promoting increased blood, lymph, and energy flow.
NHMTR begins the essential cleaning process of the body’s internal and external environment by chiseling away at this hardened petrified stress trapped in the body’s complex web of connective tissue. These layers of long term congestion, trapped mostly in the fascial layers of the body, impede healthy circulation of lymph and blood, weaken joints and musculoskeletal function, disrupt neurological, endocrine and primary organ function, accelerate degeneration of healthy cellular function; which may not be detected on Cat Scans, MRIs and X-Rays.
A highly trained and experienced NHMTR therapist specializes in techniques designed to detect and drain these excess toxins stored throughout the body and increase the body’s natural ability to process out this unwanted waste. NHMTR effectively assists the body in hydrating, restoring, regenerating, and repairing tissue to form more functional neural and fascial patterns on a molecular level. Through the integration of Acupressure, Chinese Medicine, Neuro Muscular therapy, and the scientific laws of nature, NHMTR therapists are trained to support the body’s innate ability to heal itself. By integrating NHMTR therapy with healthier lifestyle choices, the process of self healing is accelerated with NHMTR’s effective cleaning methods in removing waste that has accumulated in a person’s body over time.
As an NHMTR therapist I help the body to repair itself. The body knows what to do. I support the body to work at its optimal function through the bodywork described above.
For each person to reach optimal health,
NHMTR bodywork supports:
Deactivating pain patterns within the body by releasing endorphins which are a natural painkiller.
Increased blood circulation.
Improved lymphatic function which improves the body’s ability to detox.
Promotes rebuilding of healthier neurological and soft tissue patterns.
Increased structural alignment and strength of the entire body.
Increased self-awareness in understanding root causes of disease.
Improved organ function.
Improved absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins.
Increased mental clarity.
Improved emotional and hormonal balance.
Increased ability to efficiently process environmental pathogens and stressors.
Improved sleep.
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I specialize in supporting healthy hormonal regulation (the endocrine system), sleep concerns, pain and stress management, replacing draining emotional patterns with a balanced exchange of energy, and resetting the nervous system so we can live with ease and grace.
When I first connect with you, we set up a free 15-20 minute phone call. This is where I learn how I can support you. I want to hear the areas of your life where you want to improve. I begin to create a unique health plan to help you to achieve your health goals. Once we set an appointment you complete the new client paperwork. When you arrive at my peaceful clinic in North Boulder, you are greeted with tea and snacks. We talk for a bit about what you would like to focus on, expand, and let go of. You receive bodywork (NHMTR) that is similar to acupressure (no needles) on a massage table that has a heating pad (if that’s relaxing for you), soft music, and essential oils. I use hot towels and hot stones to relax and calm the nervous system. All of the items I use, such as pure essential oils from Doterra, also help to move and replenish healthy blood and lymphatic flow. I palpate the acupressure points with my hands. There are no needles involved. I look forward to supporting you!